Dianne Marie Healing
Dianne Marie Healing

Helping as many people as I can to live happy, healthy prosperous lives, free from pain and worry is my passion, and to achieve this I have spent several years learning various forms of natural and alternative healing.

I use Reiki, Past Life Regression and my favourite, Forensic Healing. I often use Young Living essential oils, and on occasion Tarot or Mediumship to aid your healing and wellbeing.

Past Life Regression is done by guided meditation and enables you to go back within your own past lives to see and experience things which happened then, and are having an effect on this life. Releasing the negative traumas of the past life can have a very positive effect on this life. You can read more about Past Life Regression healing with me here.

When you have a Reiki session you receive a boost of Universal Life Force to re-ignite your body's own innate desire to heal itself. In short, reiki increases the self healing powers of your body and sometimes spontaneous healing can occur. You can read more about Reiki healing with me here.

After a Forensic Healing session, clients report feeling lighter, as if they have experienced a profound cleanse of their energy field. They may feel as if huge burdens have lifted and clients often leave a healing session feeling less stress, less pain and less bothered about their current circumstances. You can read more about Forensic Healing with me here.